The relevant documents of first version of RR3DD can be downloaded in the following URL.
All the clusters of the RNAs are listed in
The RNAs that have been mapped to RFAM in RR3DD are shown in
The relevant documents of current version of RR3DD can be downloaded in the following URL.
The center structure of all folds are listed in
this file.
The all-to-all structural alignments of RNA chains from PDB format structures are listed in
Similarity matrix. The chain of these structures are listed in
PDB list.
The structural alignments between RNA chains from mmCIF format and center structures defined by the classification of RNA chains from PDB format structures are listed in
matrix. The chain of these structures are listed in
mmCIF list. The 675 center structures are listed in
core structure list.
All RNA chains from PDB-format structure classification and annotation can be downloaded from here
Two structures have similar or identical sequence with dissimilar structure can be downloaded from here
All RNA chains from mmCIF-format structure classification and annotation can be downloaded from here