1. Install the biopython.
pip install biopython==1.75 --user
2. Download the CPPred package.
(1) Type "tar -zxvf CPPred.tar.gz" to uncompress the package
(2) Type "cd CPPred/bin" to change the current directory
(3) Run "python CPPred.py -i input_RNA.fa -hex Hexamer.tsv -r range -m model -spe species -o result" to predict. Here, "input_RNA.fa" is RNAs file in FASTA format. "Hexamer.tsv" is a pre-built hexamer frequency table. "range" is pre-built training range file. "model" is pre-built training model. "species" is the model of the species to choose (Human,Integrated). The "result" file in it is the final result for each prediction.
Example :
If your data is a single species, use the example below:
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Human_coding_RNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Human_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Human_Model/Human.range -mol ../Human_Model/Human.model -spe Human -o Human_coding.result
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Human_ncRNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Human_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Human_Model/Human.range -mol ../Human_Model/Human.model -spe Human -o Human_ncRNA.result
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Mouse(Zebrafish,S.cerevisiae or Fruit_fly)_coding_RNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Human_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Human_Model/Human.range -mol ../Human_Model/Human.model -spe Human -o Mouse(Zebrasfish,S.cerevisiae or Fruit_fly)_coding.result
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Mouse(Zebrafish,S.cerevisiae or Fruit_fly)_ncRNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Human_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Human_Model/Human.range -mol ../Human_Model/Human.model -spe Human -o Mouse(Zebrasfish,S.cerevisiae or Fruit_fly)_ncRNA.result
If your data contains multiple species, use the example below:
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Integrated_coding_RNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Integrated_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Integrated_Model/Integrated.range -mol ../Integrated_Model/Integrated.model -spe Integrated -o Integrated_coding.result
python CPPred.py -i ../data/Integrated_ncRNA_test.fa -hex ../Hexamer/Integrated_Hexamer.tsv -r ../Integrated_Model/Integrated.range -mol ../Integrated_Model/Integrated.model -spe Integrated -o Integrated_ncRNA.result